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Source: February 22, 2013 It Can Be Done: DOE Reverses Decision to Co-Locate Thriving Brownsville High School So, remember how in December we concluded that there’s nothing that a public school can do to successfully fight off co-locations with other schools? Well, Brownsville Academy High School proved us wrong. Under Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s reign, rulings on co-location proposals seem to be guided by … More >> January 30, 2013 Invasion Of The Charter Schools Former City Councilmember Eva Moskowitz, with Bloomberg’s union-busting blessing, is pushing her Success Academy edu-franchise into Brooklyn. The natives aren’t buying. October 4, 2011 Transport Workers Union Denied Injunction Against City’s Use of Bus Drivers to Transport Arrested Protesters; Suit Not Dismissed Today the Transport Workers Union, which last week voted unanimously in support of Occupy Wall Street, went to court to fight against the city’s use of city bus drivers to transport arrested protesters. Following the Brooklyn Bridge arrests on Saturday, the Union said the NYPD had commandeered numer … More >> October 3, 2011 Bus Drivers Should Not Have to Transport Arrested Occupy Wall Street Protesters, Says TWU In the aftermath of more than 700 reported arrests of protesters on the Brooklyn Bridge on Saturday, Occupy Wall Street continues to occupy a large portion of the news. This video has been circulating of what seems to be a very young girl (we’ve heard 13 years old, though that’s not confirmed) being … More >>

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